With the 2023/2024 school year coming to an end, it is important for seniors to begin looking to gain scholarship money to aid their college expenses. With the use of the internet, it is easy to find thousands, even millions, of different scholarships that are easy to apply for. These scholarships can range from anywhere between ten dollars to as much as ten thousand dollars.
With college admissions costing tens, or more often times hundreds of thousands of dollars, it is important for students to wrack up as much scholarship money as possible to make college less of a financial burden for families. That’s why it’s so important for schools to advertise and encourage students to apply for as many scholarships as possible.
To aid our seniors in this search, John W. North has a webpage listing various scholarships provided by the school district for seniors to apply for. These scholarships are, for the most part, related to the Riverside Unified School District, the school, the country, the state, or are entirely educational based. These are organized by monthly due deadlines for easier access. Along with our own provided scholarships, the newsletter includes links to various popular scholarship search websites including Fast Web, Scholarships.com, StudentScholarships.org, and others.
North also provides information regarding FAFSA and financial aid for students to access and use to further aid their financial needs and college affordability. To access the newsletter, you can go to the John W North website and access the student tab, or you can click on the following link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WT1bou7UFJvAkLvkl3c5bIl9HPVEcGGt5c03swj8X_w/edit.
The University of Oregon released a list of tips to aid incoming college students in applying for scholarships. They provided eight key factors such as meeting all the application deadlines, gathering application materials early, not ignoring small awards, requesting letters of recommendation early, writing a great essay, attending scholarship workshops, showcasing your accomplishments, and repeatedly trying. In their eighth tip, they suggest, “Keep trying even if you don’t win a scholarship right away. Save copies of every application that you complete so you don’t have to start from scratch every time.” (https://financialaid.uoregon.edu/scholarships_tips).
Countless colleges and universities such as Oregon provide tips and scholarship aid for students to access. All seniors are highly encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities and look into any possible ways to make paying their college expenses easier. Good luck to all North’s seniors going through the riveting application process and we wish you the best of luck on your college journey.