Hillcrest vs. North: Another game to play, another one to win

Andrew Ross

Second Game Of The Season

On Thursday, August 25th, 2022, boys’ water polo played against Hillcrest, winning 22-5. Our team of 15 boys blew the competition out of the water, being led by our two co-captains Gideon Logan and Steen Harris-Pham.  

On Tuesday, August 23rd a celebrated win against our rival team at Ramona High School, as the Boys’ Water Polo team scored 19-1.

Hillcrest Boys’ Water Polo team fought well and hard on Thursday the 25th. And one player especially took every chance he got to make a grab at the ball. With a total of 12 boys on their team, they fought till the end to get their five points.

To start off the first quarter, wing Steen Harris-Pham, scored our first goal at the 6:36 mark putting the game in our favor. The crowd went wild. In this quarter, from beginning to end, the boys’ Polo team racked up five points before the quarter ended.

Starting off the second quarter, number 7, Phoenix Joven, makes a big shot setting the score at 6-0. Hillcrest tries its best to get the ball. By the end of the second quarter North racked up the score to 11-0 as number 5, Clark Jones, makes the 11th point at the 1:57 mark. 

However, North has a worthy rival. Number two on the Hillcrest team makes a goal at the 0:03 mark, scoring their first point. Almost missing the mark, still an astounding play. As the clock ticks down, both teams are ready for the second half of their game. 

The third quarter rolls around after a 2-minute break. Starting the quarter with back-to-back scores at the 6-minute mark number 4 and number 8, our North Co-Captains make points leading us to 13-1 by this point. The crowd goes wild and the boys on our bench are ecstatic.

 The clock reads 4:47 and North calls a timeout.  Number 2, Christian Avella, sets our score 15-1, less than 20 seconds after the timeout. . End of the quarter came with the score of 17-1, the last goal being thrown by our number 9, Cristian Bautista at 1:09. All the while Hillcrest was still fighting for their numbers on the board. 

Fourth quarter, North quarter, it was the last stretch of the game against Hillcrest and we made the goal at 6:04 by player number 5 again leading us with 18-1. Within 20 seconds both teams make a goal leading the score to 19-2. Then 10 seconds after that at the 3:10 mark Hillcrest makes their 3 goals, their side going wild and our boys racing to get the ball back. Back and forth goes like this for the rest of the quarter and our last goal is thrown at 1:47 by number 12, Daniel Medina, but while the clock still runs down at the 0:43 mark Hillcrest makes their final goal giving them the score 22-5. 

The buzzer goes off and the game is over. North wins 22-5. Both teams line up and high-five for good sportsmanship and the coaches lead our boys over to the side for a quick end-of-the-game talk. They come back to the pool deck happy and pumping with adrenaline from the game they just won. 

So far the North Boys’ Water Polo team is 2-0 with a well-fought win against Ramona two days earlier and now a win against Hillcrest.

At the end of the day, the team and the coach strive for CIF, as said by Coach Abby “A ring. CIF is always the goal.” So as we close out the second game, the boys learned they will be heading to a tournament and as for the rest of the season, let’s make it a good one. Let’s get to CIF.