There are many different ways that people would open a banana, some from its stem, others from the bottom, and those who just cut it in half and eat the middle part. The people that open the banana from the stem are doing it intentionally. However, the better way to open a banana would be to pinch the bottom, then start peeling it from the bottom and not from the stem.
In fact, why would a plant start growing from where it is eaten or opened, other fruits are not eaten from their stems? We would not eat strawberries from their stems or eat a carrot from its leaves, and produce like chili peppers that have stems, yet they are eating from their bottom. Even grapes are grown with stems and are eaten whole. Why would the banana be the exception? Even bigger fruits with stems are cut off like papayas, watermelon and melon are cut in a way that people won’t eat the stem part of the fruit.
To add on to this several popular media also believe in opening the banana peel from the bottom. If you look closely at the banana peels in Mario Kart, Donkey Kong and even the bananas in Curious George are opened from the bottom. An actual character from The Amazing World of Gumball is named Banana Joe and in the episode “The Banana” he takes his skin off to be used as a weapon and his banana skin is opened from the bottom. All these examples were decisions the creators made to have the banana be opened from bottom.
Not only do fictional characters open their bananas from the bottom, so do real life animals like monkeys and apes. Science suggests that humans descend from an apelike ancestor, which indicates that humans would have originated similar physical and behavioral traits as apes. Now, which part of the banana do apes and monkeys open their bananas from, you may ask; the bottom. Britannica, Science and Technology states that humans started evolving around 315,000, and The history of Bananas started growing in 8,000 BC which is only 7900 years later humans started evolving, meaning humans and bananas started evolving with bananas. The reasoning for opening a banana from the bottom is to reduce the amount of mess the banana could make. Opening the banana from the top can sometimes be difficult, especially when the banana is ripe. By simply pinching the bottom you can easily open it without needing to dig your fingernail inside of the banana peelings to open it. It is a neat and more efficient way to eat a banana.
There is much evidence pointing towards bananas being made to peel from the bottom. From the science,the media shows bananas being opened from the bottom and how other fruits and vegetables aren’t peeled like bananas.