Five Ways to Become more Effective at Getting Work Done

1. Turn off your phone

A big distraction when doing homework and just work in general is your cell phone. It’s always tempting to look at addictive social media sites such as Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter and way more, however turning your phone off can do wonders. Simply silencing your notifications so you don’t have to worry about getting a text message or DM from someone will stop you from spiraling out of control.

2. Study group

Sometimes one doesn’t have any motivation to get some work done. Watching others work while working in groups will make you want to work. It’s also an opportunity to ask questions if you don’t understand something. A COVID alternative would be working while on a video chat such as Zoom, Google Meets, or just Facetime.

3. Don’t sit near people who distract you

Having rowdy younger siblings or just a loud family in general can make it hard to focus on your homework. Going to a library or a nearby park or really anywhere that’s quiet and comfortable for you will allow for you to have a concentrated study period. This also applies in class. Sitting by your buddies that always seem to want to talk to you can influence your productivity in school. If you can’t get your friend to quiet down, just ask to move seats. This will do good for you and your friends.

4. Have a set study time

Coming home after a stressful day at school and still having to do homework can be very tiresome. Taking a break after school and doing homework later can relieve some stress and relax your mind. For example, you could have a set time after school, say 5:30 pm, and that is when you would start your work. This gives you a couple hours to relax before you start doing school work or homework again. 

5. Take breaks

This ties into the previous method. Taking breaks helps retain the information that you just learned. It gives your brain time to process facts and details before processing more of it later. So take breaks when you need it. Every 30 minutes or even 10 minutes is a good time to take a small break. Studying or just doing anything in general for several hours straight is not healthy, know your boundaries.